ALL About My Basketball

I love basketball but the number one Person I love is God.He died on the Cross for us for Our sins.You should love God more than anything else in the whole wide world.On Easter I watched a movie called The Passion Of Christ it is a really good movie. Me and my family always watch it on Easter Day. So anyway I am gong to talk about Basketball and how I played it and had fun playing.

Basketball, Clip Art, Vector Ball, Ball, Logo, Game

Basketball is my favorite sport out of soccer.Basketball is fun although it runs your energy out.You have to play hard and hustle when you play, and you need to play really great in order to be in the NBA or in Collage . You can do anything if you put your mind to it !Also if you want to get better you have to go to practice, and do really good so that you will be ready for the next game when you play!

Next, I am going to talk about the rules. In the game when you get a foul called on you the coaches can’t get upset and start talking back to the ref then you will get a techianl foul,and the player will get another shot.The next one is reaching over someone they get a foul but they don’t get to shoot.If you shoot from the 3 pointer line you add 3 too your score.If you shot from the block you add 2 points to the score,and a foul you just add 1 when you make it.

Golgotha, Jesus, Christ, Death
The Christ of Jesus

Did y’all know that God made us do good at these sports and gymnastics(etc).This is the verse I know; God whom gave his only son that who every believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. Y’all should keep fighting for your dreams and never give up.You can do anything if you set your mind to it.Y’all can look at my post on this site



Basketball on fire

Hey y’all can search All about basketball and you could share this with your friends and family.You can also visit When you do go to this site it will send you to my home screen and also you can go to SITES AND THEN go to post or pages and you and you family can look at how you play basketball in the game.

One thought on “ALL About My Basketball

  1. Hey this is about basketball and how you play and how you could win if you don’t give up
    okay.Just please read it and see what you think if that’s what y’all want to do.


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